Jorge I. Domínguez was a professor at Harvard University from 1972 until his retirement in 2018. He also served as director of Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs for eleven years. He researched and taught the international relations of Latin America and the Caribbean, especially their relations with the United States.
He believed that research on the hemisphere’s international relations should be a shared effort between scholars in the United States, Latin American and Caribbean countries, and elsewhere. To support and develop this transnational scholarly community, he edited several books that paired scholars from various countries.
In the late 1990s, working closely with Dr. Rafael Fernández de Castro, he co-edited a series of twelve books on U.S.-Latin American Relations, which Routledge published. Nine examined U.S. relations with specific countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and two on Venezuela. One author was a scholar from the Latin American country paired with a scholar from the United States or other countries. In two other cases, one was a scholar from the United States paired with a scholar from the Central American or the Caribbean region. The twelfth book gathered seven scholars from the United States with nine from Latin American countries to examine U.S.-Latin American Relations broadly.
The mutual respect, the shared accomplishments, and the many talents set a good example and produced splendid books.